Forty Something Parents

The Ins & Outs of Parenting

Seaside Fitness With Baby

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Neptune's Cry to Mother Nature

Neptune’s Cry to Mother Nature

Island life has its advantages, that’s for sure! A short 5 minutes away from home, I have miles and miles of beach and even more miles of the seawall on which to take a stroll with my little one; getting fit in the process. Baby gets the easy part because I do all the walking, while she has it made-in-the-shade in her stroller. Even better, we are out in nature, soaking up the sun and the salt air. Life is good!

There are so many things to see out there on the seawall: mountains of seaweed…mounded street level; birds gliding gracefully above the water, the sun glistening on the water, families playing on the beach or surfing the waves of the gulf. Today, I walked and walked….and walked for probably 3 to 4 miles one way. And I realize, at my age–and still hanging on to those last 10 pounds of baby weight–I should be doing this every day. Tomorrow….I guess we’ll see. : )

Blessings to all, that you too have had as enjoyable-a-day as we have; this little Gulf Coastal Island Family.


Author: gypsyvinrose

Just a Vagabond who chooses not to fit into societal measures. I strive to live a simple life, below my means....somewhere out there, preferably Off the Grid. My choice of lifestyle and the way my family and I live has often labeled us 'Gypsies', which in-part was the inspiration behind Gypsy Vin Rose -- my artist' name. I write, compose, and perform all original songs about mine and my family's experiences out there on the in to Wanderlust. Hear my newest works at When I'm not writing new songs, I write books -- women's fiction, children's name it! My last released book was Monday...Super-Fun Day; which teaches the days of the week to young readers. It was my first (and most rewarding) effort at illustrating in watercolors, and my debut children's picture book. I am currently working on my second women's fiction novel, as well as another children's book. Order copies of my written works at, Barnes & Noble, or where ever quality books are sold. Follow links from my author page at At this writing, I am between the restoration of my antique sailing vessel, Mystic Mermaid; a 68 Morgan 30, and the ongoing upkeep and restoration of my hip gypsy bus. I invite you to join me as I strive to learn from my failures as well as my successes. After all...the journey is always the best part. May you find your path in life, as I always seek to do. Blessings and .V.. (Peace) Gypsy

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