Forty Something Parents

The Ins & Outs of Parenting

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Paddle Boarding — Never Too Young

I never could’ve imagined doing water-sports back when I was six years old; let alone paddle boarding or surfing.  I grew up inland, though I was never a land-lubber.  But as I stood watching my daughter stand with ease on a paddle board this past Saturday, balancing upon Mother Ocean, I couldn’t have been more proud of her natural abilities.

Looking back to my own childhood, I realize now that I wasn’t quite the athletic type.  I didn’t even learn to ride a bicycle until I was 10 years old!  But once I did — feeling the wind blow through my hair…free as the breeze — I was hooked.  And to this day, I still love riding my bike more than most things I’ve ever done.

As for my young daughter, I can hardly wait to see her gliding on top of the water.  And soon after she’s paddle boarding, I hope we can introduce her to the art of surfing.  Being island transplants — known as IBC’s (Islanders By Choice) — to our Gulf Coastal home, I feel our little-one will grow up knowing what it really means to blend with nature.  And I too, will come to know Mother Ocean’s embrace like I was never able to when I was a child.  Just as we are never too young to try new and daring things, neither are we ever too old.

*Live the Life You Love*  #NeverTooYoungToPaddleBoard #NeverTooOldToPaddleBoard #LearningNewThings #EveryDayAdventures #PaddleBoarding

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Field Trip: The Grand Children’s Festival

–Fun…FREE Activities For Home School (or Traditionally Schooled) Kids–

In my last post, I wrote briefly about this past weekend…when we attended the Children’s Festival down in the Strand District.  It’s a really fun time for kids of all ages, and very family friendly.  Best of all, the festival is FREE!  And even though this was our first year to attend, we certainly don’t plan on it being our last.

In the meantime — I wanted to share some of the fun moments from this past festival.  The numerous booths and activities were enough to keep us busy for the entire weekend; though the event is only for one day.

The learning experiences that Nixi was able to be a party to, I feel, will stay with her for years to come.  As for me…?  I realized I’m absolutely no good at hoola-hooping, but I  can still do the Lemon Twist; or an updated version of the old classic jumping toy I used to love as a kid.  It was great to show my husband and child, that this middle-aged Mamma can still ‘cut-a-rug’.  I look back on it, and I have to laugh.  –As I feel I’ll do…for years to come.

*Forever Young*

*Being Young-at-Heart*

*Remaining Active Over 40*




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Staycationing In Galveston


Father's Day Weekend -- Rain Forest Cafe' Jungle Water Ride

Father’s Day Weekend — Rain Forest Cafe’ Jungle Water Ride


Last Saturday was the usual work-day for Nico.  But for me and Baby?  It was Mother & Daughter fun in the sun day!  We spent all day, from around 10 a.m. ’til around 6 p.m., walking the Seawall (stinky seaweed and all), enjoying snow-cones and food truck Mexican food (was quite good!) along the shores of our new hometown — Galveston Island.

Then, when I was feeling quite heated and not so great, we ducked down to the beach and stayed ’til it was almost time for Hubby to get off work.  Baby met some new little friends from Ethiopia, who were visiting family in Houston.  The nice lady I talked with–the mother of Nixi’s playmate–was enjoying her trip to G-Town from her home in Washington D.C.  It was nice talking with her, and even better than that…Baby had someone to play with; since she’d been quite cranky for most of the day.  I think boredom sometimes gets the best of us all.

So we waded through the seaweed, attempting to enjoy the cool waters of the Gulf.  I have to admit, even though seaweed is great for the garden, it’s not so fun to feel brushing up all over you.  It’s a bit of a creep-out factor.  :  /  Needless to say, we’d had a very full day by the time we got home and Nico arrived.  But…we weren’t done yet!

Being-as it was Father’s Day weekend, we decided to shower (which actually did wake me up), and head out to eat at a local place on the seawall that I had been wanting to try….for years!  Tortuga’s Mexican Kitchen, dining beneath the palm thatched palapas…seeing the goings-on (crazy…at best) along the seawall, the margarita (no doubt) was a very enjoyable experience.  The service was very friendly, the food oh-so-tasty, and the cool ocean breeze and ‘entertainment’ (episodes of honking horns and road rage on Seawall Blvd, and drunk tourists on trolley bikes) was just what I needed to end a very packed day.

Still, we didn’t head for home.  Instead, Nico wanted to take Baby to Rainforest Cafe’…just a short distance down Seawall; so off we went to the place we’d been when Baby was too young to even remember.  Nico wanted to buy her a little toy, since the last time we’d passed by there, Baby had spotted the toy carney, and threw a great fit when we didn’t stop to win her one.  What she didn’t know, and couldn’t understand at her age, is that we had no money…at all.  That was why we had opted to go for a stroll along the ocean, just to break the monotony of being broke in a town with so much (things that cost….more than we had) to do.

Either way, Daddy made it up to Baby…and then some.  We even got to go on the Rainforest Jungle Water Ride (not sure if that’s the correct name for it?), which was so much fun!  We want to go again…as soon as we possibly can.  All in all, staying home for vacation isn’t so bad after all.  And, when the fun is all done, we can come home to our cozy little caravan abode.

Blessings to All, that you have a wonderful vacation…or staycation this year; wherever you may be.




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Seaside Fitness With Baby


Neptune's Cry to Mother Nature

Neptune’s Cry to Mother Nature

Island life has its advantages, that’s for sure! A short 5 minutes away from home, I have miles and miles of beach and even more miles of the seawall on which to take a stroll with my little one; getting fit in the process. Baby gets the easy part because I do all the walking, while she has it made-in-the-shade in her stroller. Even better, we are out in nature, soaking up the sun and the salt air. Life is good!

There are so many things to see out there on the seawall: mountains of seaweed…mounded street level; birds gliding gracefully above the water, the sun glistening on the water, families playing on the beach or surfing the waves of the gulf. Today, I walked and walked….and walked for probably 3 to 4 miles one way. And I realize, at my age–and still hanging on to those last 10 pounds of baby weight–I should be doing this every day. Tomorrow….I guess we’ll see. : )

Blessings to all, that you too have had as enjoyable-a-day as we have; this little Gulf Coastal Island Family.


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Finding Your Inner-Child…Late in Life


Who needs the Fountain of Youth when you have a Toddler and a positive attitude!  Feeling young, and staying young, is as easy as remembering your own childhood.  Here’s how I rediscovered my Inner Child…(click on pic or link for more).

Biking at Big Lagoon SRA, near Perdido Key, FL

Biking at Big Lagoon SRA, near Perdido Key, FL