Forty Something Parents

The Ins & Outs of Parenting

Zen Learning: When Your Home Schooler Refuses to Write

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I guess I must’ve lucked-out when it came to my daughter learning to read, because it seems to have come so easily for her… and for me, as her mom/teacher.  But when it boils down to learning how to write her words, she has refused most of the time.  My solution to this problem?  I take it easy on her, and don’t dare try and force it.

Instead, I assess her mood in the morning…then decide what we’ll do to fit some learning into our day.  When it comes to writing, though…I have to be somewhat sneaky with how I present a lesson.  Most of the time, we work out of work books; I like Bendon Work Books the best.  However…this past week, I hit a creative writing break-through.  I was jumping for joy!

Last week I had tried encouraging my daughter to write a letter to her Grandma, and for the most part…she did.  Though I had to write a few words for her to copy; so I couldn’t consider that a complete success.  I didn’t mention it to my little’one, and tried not to let it bother me.

But, yesterday…after she finished her usual practice of writing her full name –which we do everyday…since her last name is posing a challenge for her– I nonchalantly handed her a piece of manila writing paper from her tablet, gave her one of her brand new sparkly pencils with ‘creative creature’ eraser, and introduced the fun of writing words she spies (Word ‘I Spy’!) throughout her room.  And, Lo’ and behold…it worked!  She was quietly and calmly writing for the better part of an hour.  I was beside myself with joy, so I snapped a few pics.  How could I resist?!  She was so into her work, she didn’t even notice me there at first.  Either way, I realized we hit a milestone in my Nixi’s introduction to creative writing.

And for those of you who have faced similar learning curves with your child — whether home schooled or not — I hope this helps in some way, for you and your child/children to move forward with a more zen approach to knowledge and learning.  Sometimes it just takes a bit of time to figure out what works…and what doesn’t.

*Happy Learning Leads to a Lifetime of Knowledge*  *Feed the Relaxed Mind*


Author: gypsyvinrose

Just a Vagabond who chooses not to fit into societal measures. I strive to live a simple life, below my means....somewhere out there, preferably Off the Grid. My choice of lifestyle and the way my family and I live has often labeled us 'Gypsies', which in-part was the inspiration behind Gypsy Vin Rose -- my artist' name. I write, compose, and perform all original songs about mine and my family's experiences out there on the in to Wanderlust. Hear my newest works at When I'm not writing new songs, I write books -- women's fiction, children's name it! My last released book was Monday...Super-Fun Day; which teaches the days of the week to young readers. It was my first (and most rewarding) effort at illustrating in watercolors, and my debut children's picture book. I am currently working on my second women's fiction novel, as well as another children's book. Order copies of my written works at, Barnes & Noble, or where ever quality books are sold. Follow links from my author page at At this writing, I am between the restoration of my antique sailing vessel, Mystic Mermaid; a 68 Morgan 30, and the ongoing upkeep and restoration of my hip gypsy bus. I invite you to join me as I strive to learn from my failures as well as my successes. After all...the journey is always the best part. May you find your path in life, as I always seek to do. Blessings and .V.. (Peace) Gypsy

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