Forty Something Parents

The Ins & Outs of Parenting

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Friends and Home Schooling

~ An Impromptu Birthday Party on a Budget ~ 

A day in the life of a seven year-old may not seem like super excitement to some, but yesterday, to my Nixi, was a blast!  Yes, the day might’ve started out quite mellow — me singing her Happy Birthday when she awoke — but by day’s end, at the Joe’s Crab Shack restaurant playground, the running, playing, jumping, and laughter was oh-so abundant.

It was  a last minute plan that sort of just hit me the day before Nixi’s big 0 7 day.  And contrary to what a lot of folks believe — that homeschool kids are introverts who have trouble making friends — my Nixi makes friends where ever we may go.  She has a few kids she has bonded with and calls best friends.  I knew I had to invite them, and I was delighted to hear they could make it.  Nixi didn’t know, and I could hardly wait to surprise her.

So…the day moved on (tick-tock), and I created party favors on a shoe-string budget…while still trying to keep it all secret from my very observant young’n.  I skirted around the truth when she quizzed me on what the jars were for, that I was painting outside.  She wanted to come help, and it was hard to not let her.  But the chemicals I had to use for the project weren’t safe for her to be around.

Needless to say, I finished the party favor jars (made from recycled/reused Starbuck’s Frappuccino bottles), Nico picked up a few balloons and the cake, and we were off to destinations unknown to Nixi.  The party was a HUGE success, even though a few friends couldn’t make it, and I knew our daughter would remember this birthday for years and years to come.  –Perhaps a lifetime.

*Here’s to impromptu gatherings!  And making friends, no matter what your circumstances.*

— Home School Birthday Party Fun at Joe’s Crab Shack on Seawall —

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Home School Science Experiments

Making BLUE GOO —

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Home School Learning — Spelling with Building Blocks

We recently acquired a set of wooden building blocks for our Nixi; which we figured she might’ve outgrown by now.  Not our little’n!  She has no qualms about playing with toys for babies, and Nico and I see no problem with it either.  In fact, it seems to help her grow even more, when it comes to educating her here at home.

I’ve come to see, in my early years of homeschooling, that Nixi can make a learning game out of just-about anything.  She amazes me at every turn; the way she is reading and spelling new words every day.  One particular day last week, we sat down at the kitchen table (our desk, if you will), and dumped a heaping pile of wooden building/letter blocks out…covering the mass of our small dining perch.

In no time at all, we’d built a cozy looking seaside village of beach houses; complete with bridges and all.  We were both very proud of our creation.  Then we moved on to the letter blocks.  I nudged Nixi into the direction of spelling by asking her how to spell certain words, in a tone like I had no idea how to spell these words.

I was delighted to snap a few pics of the first words she spelled out for me.  I am always proud of her efforts, and I see every day how much she is growing and truly enjoying the freedom of learning at home.  I only wish I could’ve been home schooled!  I think it would’ve made me a more confident, independent person as an adult.

I feel Blessed to be able to encourage my young daughter into the wonderful world of being free to truly learn all of the things that interest her in life.  If I accomplish nothing else in my lifetime…if I find success in no other avenue, I will be grateful for educating my daughter in a relaxed and fun environment.

*Freedom to Learn.  Freedom to Grow!*